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Home Studios

Home Studios is a design firm based in Brooklyn, NY. As a former fiction editor, Oliver Haslegrave founded the studio to tell the stories of inspired outsiders through the art forms of architecture and interior design. Outsiders are who the studio designs for: confident individuals who value diversity of expression, playful curiosity, devotion to detail and the primacy of emotion over conventional thought and trends.

Long known for the singular look and feel of their hospitality projects, many of which are almost entirely composed of custom works, the studio recently began residential commissions. In 2020 their first New York residence on Bond Street was completed, with several more currently underway.

Many of their projects include custom lighting and furniture pieces, which can be viewed and purchased for your own home by visiting, HOMEWORK.

Photo Cred: “Bond Street Apartment” – New York, 2020 – Brian W. Ferry

Home Studios




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